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What is Phishing?


Phishing is a type of cybercrime that attempts to trick people into giving away personal information, such as usernames, passwords, and credit card numbers. Phishing attacks can be carried out through email, instant message, or even fake websites.


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How does phishing work?


Cybercriminals will often send emails that appear to be from a legitimate source, such as a bank, credit card company, or social media platform. The email will typically contain a link or attachment that, when clicked, will take the victim to a fake website that looks like the real website. Once the victim enters their personal information on the fake website, the cybercriminals can steal it and use it to commit fraud.


Different types of phishing attacks:


There are many different types of phishing attacks, but some of the most common are:


Spear phishing: Spear phishing attacks are targeted at specific individuals or companies. The attackers will often do their research on the target and send emails that appear to be from someone they know or trust.


Clone phishing: Clone phishing attacks involve copying a legitimate email and modifying its links or attachments. The attackers will then send the clone email to the same recipients as the original email.


Whaling: Whaling attacks are targeted at senior executives or other privileged users within businesses. The attackers will often impersonate someone high up in the company and send emails that appear to be urgent or important.


How to protect yourself from phishing:


There are a number of things you can do to protect yourself from phishing attacks:


Be cautious of emails with links or attachments, especially if they come from an unknown sender.


Never click on links in emails that you are not sure about.


Hover over links before you click on them to see the real URL.


Be wary of emails that create a sense of urgency or fear.


Keep your software up to date, including your web browser and antivirus software.


Use strong passwords and change them regularly.


Be aware of the different types of phishing attacks and how they work.