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What is Cloud-Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP)

Cloud-native application protection platforms (CNAPPs) are a new category of security solutions designed to protect cloud-native applications. Traditional security tools are not designed for the dynamic and ephemeral environments of the cloud, and as a result, they often leave cloud-native applications vulnerable to attack. CNAPPs address this challenge by providing a comprehensive set of security capabilities that are specifically designed for cloud-native applications.


We've built a platform for Cloud Detection & Response in AWS, Azure, and GCP you can grab a demo here. You can also download free playbooks we've written on how to respond to security incidents in AWS, Azure, and GCP.

CNAPPs offer a number of benefits, including:


Improved visibility: CNAPPs provide a unified view of security across the entire cloud-native application lifecycle, from development to deployment to runtime. This makes it easier for organizations to identify and address security risks.


Reduced complexity: CNAPPs consolidate multiple security tools into a single platform, which can help to reduce complexity and improve manageability.


Better security posture: CNAPPs provide a comprehensive set of security capabilities that can help to improve the overall security posture of cloud-native applications.


Faster incident response: CNAPPs can help to automate security tasks and workflows, which can help to speed up incident response times.


Overall, CNAPPs are a valuable tool for any organization that wants to improve the security of its cloud-native applications.




Here are some of the key features of a CNAPP solution:


Vulnerability scanning: CNAPPs can scan cloud-native applications for vulnerabilities, both in code and in configuration.


Compliance checks: CNAPPs can help organizations to comply with security regulations and standards.


Runtime protection: CNAPPs can provide runtime protection for cloud-native applications, such as intrusion detection and prevention.


Security posture management: CNAPPs can help organizations to manage their overall security posture by providing visibility into risks and compliance gaps.


If you are considering using a CNAPP, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, it is important to choose a CNAPP that is designed for the specific needs of your organization. Second, it is important to make sure that your CNAPP can integrate with your existing security tools and workflows. Finally, it is important to train your staff on how to use the CNAPP effectively.