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  2. Cloud Forensics and Cloud Security

What is Cloud Detection and Response

Cloud detection and response (CDR) is a new approach to security that is specifically designed for the cloud. Traditional security tools are not effective in cloud environments, as they are often designed for on-premises deployments. Cloud environments are complex and constantly changing, making it difficult to secure them with traditional tools. CDR helps organizations to identify and respond to threats in the cloud quickly and effectively.

We've built a platform to for Cloud Detection & Response in AWS, Azure, and GCP you can grab a demo here. You can also download free playbooks we've written on how to respond to security incidents in AWS, Azure, and GCP.

What are the benefits of using CDR?
There are many benefits to using CDR, including:


Improved security posture: CDR can help organizations to improve their overall security posture by providing continuous visibility into their cloud environment. This allows security teams to identify and address security risks before they can be exploited.


Increased visibility: CDR provides security teams with a complete picture of what is happening in their cloud environment. This includes visibility into cloud workloads, data, and network activity.


Faster response times: CDR can help organizations to respond to security threats quickly and effectively. This is because CDR solutions can automatically detect and investigate threats, and can also provide recommendations for remediation.


Reduced costs: CDR can help organizations to reduce their security costs by improving their security posture and reducing the number of security incidents.
What are the key capabilities of CDR solutions?
There are four key capabilities that organizations should look for in a CDR solution:


Visibility: The CDR solution should provide visibility into all of the organization's cloud workloads, data, and network activity.


Detection: The CDR solution should be able to detect security threats in real time.


Investigation: The CDR solution should provide tools for investigating security threats.


Response: The CDR solution should provide recommendations for remediating security threats.
Cloud detection and response (CDR) is an essential tool for organizations that are using the cloud. CDR can help organizations to improve their security posture, increase their visibility, and respond to threats quickly and effectively. If you are not using CDR, you should strongly consider doing so.