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How to Create and Use Kubernetes Secrets


Kubernetes Secrets are a way to store sensitive information securely within your Kubernetes cluster. They are essential for protecting sensitive data such as passwords, API keys, and certificates. This blog post will provide a comprehensive guide on how to create and use Kubernetes Secrets.


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What are Kubernetes Secrets?


Kubernetes Secrets are objects that store sensitive data in a key-value format. This data is not stored directly in the Pod manifest or container image, but instead is mounted into the Pod as a volume or exposed as environment variables. This helps to keep your sensitive data out of plain sight and reduces the risk of it being accidentally exposed.


Why use Kubernetes Secrets?


There are several reasons why you should use Kubernetes Secrets:


Security: Secrets help to keep your sensitive data safe by storing it in a secure location. They are not stored in the Pod manifest or container image, which makes it more difficult for attackers to access them.


Maintainability: Secrets can be easily managed and updated without having to modify your Pod manifests or container images. This makes it easier to keep your sensitive data up-to-date.


Scalability: Secrets can be shared across multiple Pods, which can help to improve the scalability of your applications.


How to create Kubernetes Secrets


There are two main ways to create Kubernetes Secrets:


Using kubectl: You can use the kubectl create secret command to create a Secret from a file or from standard input.


Using a manifest file: You can create a Secret manifest file and then apply it to your cluster using kubectl apply.


Here is an example of how to create a Secret using kubectl:


kubectl create secret generic my-secret --from-file=password=my-password


This command will create a Secret named my-secret with a key named password and a value of my-password.