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DevOps vs DevSecOps Tools: Building Secure Software at Speed


In the modern software development landscape, speed and security are no longer mutually exclusive. DevOps practices have revolutionized the way we build and deploy software, emphasizing fast iteration and seamless delivery. However, with ever-growing security threats, integrating security throughout the development lifecycle has become paramount. This is where DevSecOps shines, building upon the agility of DevOps but weaving security considerations into every step of the process.


We've built a platform for DevSecOps in AWS, Azure, and GCP you can grab a demo here. You can also download free playbooks we've written on how to respond to security incidents in AWS, Azure, and GCP.


So, how do the tools used in these approaches differ? While both DevOps and DevSecOps leverage a range of automation and collaboration tools, the focus and timing of their application diverge significantly.


DevOps Tools:


Version Control Systems (VCS): Platforms like Git and Mercurial facilitate code collaboration and versioning, enabling rapid development and rollbacks.


Continuous Integration (CI) Tools: Jenkins, Travis CI, and CircleCI automate building and testing code changes, providing early feedback and preventing errors.


Continuous Delivery (CD) Tools: Tools like Spinnaker and Ansible automate deployment pipelines, pushing code updates to production environments quickly and reliably.


Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Tools: Terraform and CloudFormation allow for infrastructure provisioning and configuration as code, ensuring consistency and repeatability.


Monitoring and Alerting Tools: Prometheus and Grafana monitor application performance and health, allowing for proactive troubleshooting and error detection.


DevSecOps Tools:


Static Application Security Testing (SAST) Tools: SonarQube and Fortify scan code for vulnerabilities and security flaws while code is written, catching issues early and preventing costly fixes later.


Software Composition Analysis (SCA) Tools: Black Duck and WhiteSource identify and manage open-source software dependencies, ensuring known vulnerabilities in these components don't infiltrate your application.


Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) Tools: Web scanner like Acunetix and Burp Suite simulate attacker behavior to uncover vulnerabilities in deployed applications.


Container Security Tools: AquaSec and Anchore scan container images for vulnerabilities and misconfigurations, securing the building blocks of modern applications.


Secrets Management Tools: HashiCorp Vault and CyberArk securely store and manage sensitive data like passwords and API keys, preventing unauthorized access.


These are just a few examples, and the specific tools used will vary depending on your organization's needs and preferences. However, the key distinction lies in how these tools are integrated into the workflow.


DevOps focuses on speed and automation, often implementing security as a layer bolted onto the existing process. This can lead to vulnerabilities being discovered late in the development cycle, requiring costly rework and delayed releases.


DevSecOps, on the other hand, embeds security considerations throughout the entire software lifecycle. Security tools are integrated into CI/CD pipelines, code scans are performed early and often, and security awareness is instilled in development and operations teams alike. This proactive approach significantly reduces the risk of vulnerabilities reaching production and builds a more secure foundation for your software.


Ultimately, the choice between DevOps and DevSecOps tools is not a binary one. Most organizations benefit from implementing a hybrid approach, leveraging the speed and efficiency of DevOps practices while integrating the security focus of DevSecOps. By choosing the right tools and weaving them into a collaborative workflow, you can build secure software at speed, without compromising on either quality or delivery time.


Remember, security is not an afterthought. It's the foundation upon which successful modern software is built. By embracing DevSecOps principles and selecting the right tools, you can build secure, reliable, and high-performing applications that stand the test of time.