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Cloud Forensics: A Comprehensive Guide

age of cloud computing, organizations are increasingly storing their data and applications in the cloud. This shift has brought about new challenges, including the need for effective cloud forensics. Cloud forensics is the process of investigating and collecting evidence in the cloud to support legal proceedings, incident response, or internal investigations.


We've built a platform to automate incident response and forensics in Containers, AWS, Azure, and GCP - you can grab a demo here. You can also download free playbooks we've written on how to respond to security incidents in AWS, Azure, and GCP.


What is Cloud Forensics?


As the name suggests, Cloud Forensics generally means forensics of cloud environments. Cloud forensics is a specialized branch of digital forensics that focuses on the unique challenges of investigating crimes and security incidents in the cloud. Unlike traditional forensics, which involves collecting evidence from physical devices, cloud forensics requires investigators to collect evidence from virtual machines, storage systems, and network logs.






Challenges of Cloud Forensics


Cloud forensics presents several challenges that traditional forensics does not. Some of the most common challenges include:
    • Shared responsibility model: In the cloud, the responsibility for security is shared between the cloud provider and the customer. This can make it difficult to determine who is responsible for preserving evidence.
    • Data volatility: Cloud data is often stored in temporary locations or automatically deleted. This can make it difficult to collect and preserve evidence before it is lost.
    • Jurisdictional issues: Cloud data can be stored across multiple jurisdictions, which can make it difficult to collect and preserve evidence in accordance with legal requirements.
    • Limited access: Cloud providers often restrict access to customer data for security reasons. This can make it difficult for investigators to collect the evidence they need.
Cloud Forensic Best Practices
Despite the challenges, there are a number of best practices that can help organizations conduct effective cloud forensics investigations. Some of these best practices include:
  • Develop a cloud forensics plan: Having a plan in place will help organizations respond quickly and effectively to security incidents.
  • Identify and preserve evidence: Once an incident has been identified, it is important to quickly identify and preserve relevant evidence.
  • Use cloud-native tools: Many cloud providers offer tools that can be used for forensics investigations.
  • Train your staff: It is important to train your staff on cloud forensics best practices so that they can respond to incidents effectively.

Cloud Forensic Tools

There are a number of cloud forensic tools available to help organizations investigate security incidents. Some of the most popular tools include:
    • AWS CloudTrail: A service that records API calls made to AWS services.
    • Azure Activity Log: A service that records events that occur in Azure resources.
    • GCP Cloud Audit Logs: A service that records events that occur in GCP resources.
    • libcloudforensics: An open-source library that can be used to collect evidence from multiple cloud providers
    • Cado Community Edition: A free vesion of our own cloud forensics platform.


Cloud forensics is a complex and challenging field, but it is essential for organizations that are storing data and applications in the cloud. By understanding the challenges of cloud forensics and following best practices, organizations can protect themselves from security incidents and respond effectively when they do occur.