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AWS Guardduty Pricing: Breaking Down the Costs of Cloud Security

In today's complex cloud landscape, organizations entrusting their data and applications to AWS require robust safeguards against ever-evolving threats. Enter Amazon Guardduty, a managed threat detection service that continuously monitors your AWS accounts and resources for malicious activity. But for cost-conscious businesses, understanding Guardduty's pricing structure is crucial. This blog post delves into the intricacies of Guardduty pricing, helping you make informed decisions for your specific security needs.
The TLDR is that GuardDuty is easy to enable and somewhat expensive to run. But it's also cheaper than the most expensive vendors out there. And it's a lot cheaper than the cost of (most) breaches.

We've built a platform for Cloud Detection & Response in AWS, Azure, and GCP you can grab a demo here. We integrate with GuardDuty directly. You can also download free playbooks we've written on how to respond to security incidents in AWS, Azure, and GCP.

Guardduty's Costs

  • Free Tier: AWS GuardDuty offers a 30-day free trial for new accounts. During this period, you can evaluate the service and its features without incurring any charges. The free trial provides sufficient coverage to assess the basic functionality and benefits.

  • Data Processing Charges: GuardDuty charges are based on the volume of data it processes. The primary data sources for GuardDuty are AWS CloudTrail event logs, VPC Flow Logs, and DNS logs. The cost is calculated per gigabyte (GB) of data processed. For example, as of July 2024:

    • AWS CloudTrail Events: $4.00 per million events
    • VPC Flow Logs and DNS Logs: $1.00 per GB

  • GuardDuty protection plans: GuardDuty continuously evaluates your AWS environment for potential threats. The service charges for the volume of data analyzed to generate these detections, and pricing depends upon the AWS service (e.g. S3 or EKS).

  • Additional Regions: If you operate in multiple AWS regions, you need to enable GuardDuty in each region separately. This results in additional charges as the service monitors and processes data independently for each region. Ensure to account for these costs when planning your GuardDuty deployment.

Estimating GuardDuty Costs

Amazon provides a guide on estimating your GuardDuty costs here. A few things to take into account are:

  • Data Sources: Costs are based on VPC Flow Logs, DNS Logs, and CloudTrail Event Logs.
  • Data Volume: Estimate daily log data volume and multiply by 30 for a rough monthly volume.
  • Pricing Tiers: Apply tiered pricing from the GuardDuty pricing page to your monthly data volume.

 Beyond Pricing: The Value of Guardduty

It's important to remember that Guardduty's value extends beyond its price tag. By proactively identifying threats, it can:
  • Prevent data breaches and financial losses.
  • Improve compliance and regulatory adherence.
  • Enhance overall cloud security posture.
  • Reduce the workload on your security team.
AWS Guardduty offers a valuable tool for securing your cloud environment. While understanding its pricing structure is crucial, don't lose sight of the broader benefits it brings. By carefully evaluating your needs and implementing optimization strategies, you can leverage Guardduty effectively and confidently navigate the ever-changing cloud security landscape.